Frequently Askes Questions


The product is momentarily out of stock. You can order the product now, and we'll send it to you as fast as possible. The expected delivery time is indicated with the product.

When can I expect my delivery?

An expected delivery time is stated with the product. In case it says 'In Stock', it will be sent immediately. We will ship your order immediately as soon as we receive the item. You will receive an email from us when your order is shipped.

What are NIJ levels?

The NIJ (National Institute of Justice) levels are divided into the following classes:

NIJ level I (1)
Protects against "slower" 9mm bullets, .40 S&W
Specifically: These products protect against 9mm full metal jacket round nose (FMJRN) with a nominal mass of 8.0 grams (124 grains) and an impact velocity of 332 m/s or less, and .40 S&W caliber Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) bullets with a nominal mass of 11.7 grams (180 grains) and an impact velocity of 312 m/s or less. This also protects against NIJ level 1 threats. Level IIA vests are suitable for agents who need to wear them full-time and may encounter such threats.

NIJ level II (2)
Protects against "fast" 9mm bullets, .357 Magnum
Specifically: These products protect against .357 Magnum Jacketed Soft-Point (JSP) bullets with a nominal mass of 10.2 grams (158 grains) and an impact velocity of 425 m/s or less, and 9mm full jacket bullets with a nominal velocity of 358 m/s. It also protects against most other factory loads in .357 Magnum and 9mm, and again against NIJ level 1 and 2A threats. Level II body armor is heavier and thicker than level 1 and 2A and is worn by individuals who may encounter such threats.

NIJ level IIIA (3A)
Protects against .44 Magnum and 9mm machine gun
Specifically: These products protect against .44 Magnum Semi Jacket Hollow Point (SJHP) bullets with a nominal mass of 15.55 grams (240 grains) and an impact velocity of 426 m/s or less, and against 9mm full metal jacket bullets with a nominal mass of 8.0 grams (124 grains) and an impact velocity of 426 m/s or less. It also protects against most handguns and, again, against NIJ level 1 and 2A threats. Level IIIA body armor provides the highest level of protection for covert vests and is generally suitable for most situations. However, it can be warmer than the previous levels in extremely hot conditions, and the level may be adjusted depending on the threat level.

NIJ level III (3)
Protects against high-power rifles
Specifically: These products are usually made of hard or rigid materials and protect against 7.62mm Full Metal Jacket bullets (US Mil M80) with a nominal mass of 9.7 grams (150 grains) and an impact velocity of 838 m/s or less, as well as threats like the 223 Remington (5.56mm FMJ), 30 Carbine FMJ, and 12-gauge shotgun slugs.

NIJ level IV (4)
Protects against bullets designed to penetrate ballistic plates
Specifically: These products protect against .30-06 caliber armor-piercing bullets (originally US military APM2) with a nominal mass of 10.08 grams (166 grains) and an impact velocity of 868 m/s or less. It also protects against at least one impact from any of the previous levels. Level 4 body armor provides the highest possible protection currently available. As it is designed to stop armor-piercing bullets, it is often made of a type of ceramic material. These materials are originally fragile and typically break upon impact. Like Level 3 armor, Level 4 is designed for tactical situations when the threat necessitates such measures.

Can you send to a NAPO address? (For Dutch Military)

Bestellingen voor defensiemedewerkers in het buitenland kunnen bij Gear Solutions ook worden verzonden naar een schip of eenheid in het buitenland. Bij het afrekenen in de winkelwagen dient het NAPO-adres te worden ingevuld als verzendadres. Gear Solutions zal het pakket voorzien van een volledig ingevulde en ondertekende CN 22 groene douaneverklaring. Natuurlijk wordt uw pakket met de nodige discretie verstuurd.

Het NAPO-adres heeft de volgende opmaak:

  • Rang, initialen en naam
  • Werknemers-ID
  • Naam van eenheid of schip
  • NAPO (gevolgd door het toegewezen nummer)
  • 3509 VP Utrecht
  • Nederland

Voor kazernes in het Caribisch gebied (met uitzondering van Sint Maarten en Bonaire) geldt de postcode 3509 VS.

Houd er rekening mee dat post voor defensiemedewerkers in het buitenland, die door Gear Solutions wordt verzonden, naar de Militaire Post Organisatie (MPO) in Utrecht gaat. Het poststuk mag niet meer dan 2 kilo wegen en mag geen vloeistoffen en drukhouders bevatten, volgens de voorwaarden van de MPO.

Als u twijfels heeft over het gewicht van uw pakket, of als u zich afvraagt of bepaalde goederen naar het NAPO-adres mogen worden verzonden, staat onze klantenservice u graag te woord.